Archaeological Museum in Punta Umbría
EBT studio 

Archaeological Museum in Punta Umbría

EBT studio 

In the project, which was the winning entry in a competition organized by the land management bureau of Punta Umbría, a municipality in the province of Huelva, the architects Alessandro Tessari and Matteo Bandiera put great stock on the lightness and simplicity of the proposal. With its privileged location over the archaeological remains of a Roman salting factory in the ‘El Eucalipto’ dig, and facing the estuary scenery, the museum is designed as a light pavilion that, barely touching ground, creates a semi-covered space to protect the excavation site and connect it to the visitor center, in the process never interrupting the visual links between the city, the estuary and the silhouette of the Island of Saltés. The program also includes an area for exhibitions and an audiovisual hall...[+]

Centro de Interpretacion del Yacimiento 
Archeologic Site Center, Punta Umbría (Spain)


Jefe del proyectoProject Leader
Alessandro Tessari, Matteo Bandiera

Equipo de diseño Design Team
German de Pro Lozano, Nicola Di Pietro