(Cuera, 1958)
The Rruga Adem Jashari mixed-use development presents three russet-hued towers and a white stepped pyramid. Located on a strategic site in the Albanian capital, on the boundary between the urban fabric and an adjacent park, the pigmented concrete co
The apartment building is executed with reddish concrete and characterized by a series of elliptical voids that give the volume rhythm, identity, and a monumental image.
The house is built on a narrow site ninety meters long, presenting two very different end facades: one offers views of the village, and the other one looks towards agricultural land.
Aside from protecting a series of ruins in the Pearling Path, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the building becomes a foyer for the medina and a public space for the people of Muharraq.
Creating a virtual world through the poetic use of materials was Valerio Olgiati’s intention in designing this store in the design district of the city of Miami for the French high-end fashion brand Céline. Such virtuality has to do with the manipula
The four concrete walls that surround Villa Além cannot be seen by the passer-by, hidden as they are amid the cork oak trees of a lush forest in a recondite spot of Portugal’s Alentejo region, just ten kilometers inland from the Atlantic coast. The m
Built on a plot of land at the center of the Swiss village, the form of the small volume engages in dialogue with preexisting constructions and shelters a studio for a musician in a single space that opens on to a large courtyard.
En la localidad de Zernez, comuna suiza del cantón de los Grisones situada en el valle de la Engadina, se encuentra la entrada al Parque Nacional Suizo, el más antiguo de Europa Central (fue declarado en 1914). Un nuevo centro de visitantes, abierto
Una rampa para uso peatonal de veinticuatro metros de ancho y con una pendiente del 2,5% reorganiza todo el campus en torno al eje norte-sur, y da acceso al nuevo edificio, un volumen compacto, de forma irregular y en apariencia arbitraria, cuya pote
A thousand meters above sea level, in a mountain area famous for its ski resort, a former mansion plastered in yellow was scheduled to be demolished. Rudolf Olgiati, a local architect who had been gathering together objects of the area’s traditional
Though trained at ETH Zurich during the years of Aldo Rossi’s chair, Valerio Olgiati (Cuera, 1958) has produced an oeuvre to a large extent removed from themes like type and context. Powerful in their schematism, monolithic in their materiality, exq
Three decades as an architect and professor, an elegant corpus of executed works, and many awards shape the career of one of the masters of contemporary architecture in Switzerland. His works are characterized by the purity and autonomy of forms, sol
It might first seem like another illustrated book or photo book. Suffice it to recall the visual panoramas published by Alberto Sartoris or the national examples of fotoscops, a work of the Prats-Gomis-Sert (1967–72). The publication is produced wit
Solidez y parquedad parecen ser las cualidades más preciadas para los lacónicos suizos, y son también los mejores calificativos para definir esta monografía de Valerio Olgiati, presentada en un inusual formato de papel-volumen que hace de ella un obj
Aislada por su escarpada geografía y por su autonomía política, la región helvética ha producido siempre una arquitectura de genealogía inconfundible, que se hace accesible por medio de esta publicación donde se reúne el trabajo de doce estudios de l
Architecture is one of the few professions that still is – in the best artisan tradition – passed on from parents to their children. After finishing his studies in Zürich’s ETH, Valerio Olgiati (1958) of Chur had immediate professional experience wor
Valerio Olgiati Markus Breitschmid
Zúrich 2019
Park Books - 142 Pages
Dino Simonett Valerio Olgiati Projects 2009-2017
Valerio Olgiati
Lucerne 2013
Quart Publishers - 424 Pages
Laurent Stalder
Lucerne 2010
Quart Publishers - 188 Pages