Pamplona, Spain
The objective of the project is to turn the old Salesian convent into offices for the Union of Municipalities of the Comarca of Pamplona, in the heart of the Navarrese capital. Interventions on the abandoned heritage building is minimized. Demolition
The building, the construction of which began in 1548 per commission of the Constable of the Kingdom of Navarre, belonged to the House of Alba and was the episcopal residence for a time. The owner who bought it at the end of the 19th century undertoo
The result of an open competition convened by the Archdiocese in the year 2000, the building is meant to fulfill the aspiration of the Pamplona neighborhood of San Jorge to have a new and updated religious facility, which it had been waiting for for
Regulations and economic restrictions which determine social housing are counterbalanced by the opportunity that these projects offer – generally of a great volume and through municipal commission – to intervene in the periphery of the city and to de
La iglesia y el centro parroquial San Jorge en Pamplona, realizada por los arquitectos Tabuenca y Leache, ha abierto sus puertas en el barrio del mismo nombre de la capital navarra. El proyecto pone en relación las dos plazas urbanas que lo rodean a
Fernando Tabuenca y Jesús Leache han completado la rehabilitación de la Casa del Condestable, un palacio del siglo XVI del centro histórico de Pamplona. Sin forzar la estructura o la disposición original de la construcción, uno de los pocos ejemplos