Point William, a region on the Canadian Shield, is the location of this house surrounded by water and vegetation which was built and rebuilt following a scheme by the Toronto firm headed by Brigitte Shim and Howard Sutcliffe. A 1980s building that st
Concebido como una cabaña de madera, el pabellón se inspira en los invariantes tipológicos y constructivos locales, proponiendo una piel permeable al paisaje.
The rate at which globalization advances may have accustomed us to the contrary, but architecture requires time: time to be conceived, time to be built, time to be inhabited. Normally these times follow one another, consecutively, but sometimes they
En Canadá, colosales proyectos híbridos de alta densidad ubicados en los centros urbanos contrastan con pequeños pabellones insertos en entornos naturales privilegiados.