In the scheme to convert a former car-engine repair facility into a place to live and work in, the actual forms of the existing structure were used to define the different spaces required...
Ever since the first cargo ship carrying intermodal containers docked in Bremen in 1966, their growth and development in international trade has been spectacular. Shipping containers are icons of our globalized society. Almost everything we buy trave
This conversion of an industrial space into a studio-house is located in the vicinity of Madrid Río. Because of lack of thermal insulation, the first decision was to create a second enclosure of glass, separate from the outer wall. The resulting pass
En una población rural y minera donde el edificio residencial más reciente tenía 25 años se encargan quince viviendas de protección pública; el volumen propuesto, anguloso y flotante sobre un zócalo retranqueado, se reviste de lajas de pizarra; en es
This book redefines ‘lateness’ through a formal analysis of works by Adolf Loos (Villa Karma, Villa Müller), Aldo Rossi (Gallaratese, San Cataldo), and John Hejduk (Texas Houses, Wall Houses). All six works can be said to have been carried out when t
For the headquarters of the sports equipment and accessories manufacturer Amaya Sport in Noain (Navarre), the architect Josean Ruiz Esquiroz – who works from offices in Madrid and Gorraiz – reused ten shipping containers as structural pieces while st
Madrid It is not often that the ideas of young architects can be heard. This exhibition presents the work of a group of recent graduates of the ETSAM
Marcel Breuer died only twenty days before the opening, in July 1981, of his retrospective exhibition at the MoMA in New York. With postmodernity in bloom, his work was lambasted for its unrepentant modernity. Neither as a student at the Bauhaus nor
Fritz Kahn was a gynecologist who became a spreader of medical knowledge, and was instrumental in the birth of science illustration. Sappol defines modernity as the advance from logocentrism to an age where image is the main tool of learning. Body Mo
With a temporary intervention, Anna and Eugeni Bach have managed to make Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion lose its materiality.
This anthology on Robbrecht en Daem is superlative. It weighs and takes up space like a brick, but is complex like a city. Everything in it is organized by means of a mathematical series until it takes on its physical dimensions. 63 projects are orga
Peter Eisenman at 85 is on his way to being the longest-living architectural heretic ever. Since the 1960s, when he set about to rock the discipline, he has kept producing texts, disciples, and designs. Proving his continued relevance are an antholog