1912 (Seattle, Washington, United States) - 1986 (Detroit, Míchigan, United States)
The son of a Japanese couple that emigrated to Seattle, Minoru Yamasaki (1912-1986) made true the American dream, starting out employed in a cannery to pay his way through the University of Washington and eventually marking the planet’s ceiling by di
The architect of the towers destroyed by the aerial terrorism of a Wahabite Saudi also designed airports in Saudi Arabia, and reached the greatest critical fame with a demolition: that of his Pruitt-Igoe housing in St. Louis, whose destruction in 197
La destrucción de las Torres Gemelas neoyorquinas no sólo devasta vidas humanas, mina la confianza en la sociedad industrial y debilita la musculatura financiera de Manhattan: arrasa también un símbolo de los Estados Unidos y una monumental proeza ar
Para la supermanzana que integra todo el World Trade Center realizamos más de un centenar de esquemas, con sus correspondientes planos y maquetas. Hacia la versión cuarenta y tantos nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos en el buen camino, pero aun así el
A lo largo de los años se ha hecho evidente para mí que el propósito del World Trade Center es tan básico y tan obvio, que a sus críticos les convenía pasarlo por alto. Desde los comienzos, una de las responsabilidades fundamentales de la Autoridad P
The fact is that architects never liked Yamasaki. His extraordinary professional success, which had him building the world’s tallest skyscrapers, was systematically accompanied by negative criticism. TheTwinTowers themselves, the tragic destruction o
The brutal destruction of the World Trade Center has made us all New Yorkers. Four decades ago, the raising of the Berlin wall provoked a similar wave of fraternal empathy in the face of the threat of urban asphyxia, and the West felt with Berlin: “