Jintai Village Reconstruction
The 22 one-family houses are arranged to form a complex of medium density, always opening up to the landscape; the idea is to combine the best of city and countryside.
The 22 one-family houses are arranged to form a complex of medium density, always opening up to the landscape; the idea is to combine the best of city and countryside.
The semi-open courtyard and the timber latticeworks with patterns inspired in Islamic motifs, create a warm and friendly atmosphere for refugees arriving in Germany.
The light frame, made of precast concrete modular elements to which the users bolt on Nipa palm tree panels and polycarbonate, makes it possible to do without complex foundations, allowing for transportation in small boats.
This multifunctional module is presented as a cheap solution – $2,500 – to the housing problem for populations affected by natural disasters, common in Vietnam. It can be assembled in 25 days and resists floods of up to 1.5 meters in height. Module
Scheherazade told stories in order to survive. The human being has always honed ingenuity at critical moments, and this book proves so. It looks at a refugee camp in the Jordanian desert where Syrian migrants forced to stay put have to harness their
Breathing has become harder to do. Cars deteriorate the air of cities, pandemics contaminate the air of buildings, and racism degrades the air of societies. Urban atmospheres get more toxic and claim countless victims in the world year after year; Co
In 2016, the Global Trends Report published by UNHCR – Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – revealed unprecedented levels of displacement: 22.5 million refugees and 65.6 million displaced. These figures justify the work of Cl
Never in the history of Mexico had so many natural disasters happened in so few days. The month of September began with two terrible hurricanes, Irma and Katia, and ended with two devastating earthquakes; the first, on 7 September, occurred with a ma
Naming a storm in the Gulf of Mexico during hurricane season can be like playing Russian roulette. Sometimes an endearing, even musically named storm turns lethal in a sudden atmospheric spin. Take Hurricane Rita, for instance, a category 5 tropical
Packaged in boxes of 2.5 x 2 meters, the shelter designed by Ikea for refugee camps weights 169 kilograms and can be assembled in just four hours.
Victor Hugo said that the history of a civilization is not written in monuments, but in its sewers. Nowadays, these sewers are borders between nations, boundaries heated up by friction between unequal economies and cultures, which end up igniting. Eu
En la actual crisis provocada por las hipotecas subprime, hablar de ‘Casa per tutti’ suena a eslogan político. El lema tiene su origen en una exposición muy politizada que tuvo lugar en Berlín en 1932 con el título ‘Sonne, Luft und Haus für Alle’ (So