When When Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi set in motion the Holy See’s first entry in the International Venice Architec-ture Biennale, which opened on 26 May 2018, he was building on the Vatican’s decades-old program to establish new alliances betwe
A fruit of the demand – on the part of the elites of global capitalism – for luxury living, the latest crop of New York skyscrapers has changed the city’s skyline.
Parece un libro-objeto, pero contiene ideas. Encuadernado con una imitación de piel que lo asemeja a una agenda, compuesto con diez tipografías diferentes que se modifican al cambiar de pliego, y ornamentado con nueve desplegables que contienen minia
To blur quiere decir en inglés «hacer algo borroso o difuso», aunque para el caso concreto que nos ocupa la traducción más precisa podría ser des-dibujar (límites), ya que el prefijo hace hincapié en la fascinación por la negación productiva de lo es
As for what should be built in place of the [World Trade Center] towers, the problem is insoluble. Quite simply because one can imagine nothing equivalent that would be worthy of being destroyed. One cannot say the same of many architectural works. M
I live in lower Manhattan in one of the few high rises that was built in the early 1960s in GreenwichVillage, the kind of big modern banality that spawned and then gave urgency to the historic preservation movement. To prevent further construction of