(Hellín, 1962 - Granada, 2015)
The Granada Metro construction works, which began in 2007, involved building a single rail line crossing the city, connecting it with several towns in the metropolitan area and linking many of its key activity hubs and sites. This infrastructure cove
The project involved enlarging a house built by the Americans in the vicinity of the US military base at Rota, on the coast of the southern Spanish province of Cádiz. The urban development it is located in responds to a typically Anglo-Saxon set of t
La torre del homenaje de la desaparecida alcazaba de Huéscar, un cubo de gruesas paredes de fábrica, fue puesto de observación militar en la época de la Reconquista; tras la conquista cristiana de la ciudad, en 1434, fue desmochada, perdiendo su func
The exhibition space has been set into an old granary attached to the city ramparts through the restoration of the wooden structure that is held up by four columns and several pillars built into the walls.
Para rehabilitar la muralla nazarí, rota a lo largo de unos cuarenta metros, se levanta a modo de apósito, a una distancia precisa, un muro de grandes lajas de granito sin tratar unidas con un milímetro de mortero de alta resistencia. La luz que pene
A posthumous work of the architect Antonio Jiménez Torrecilla, who passed away in 2015, has been inaugurated: the Alcázar Genil station of the Metro of Granada. Characterized by the particular povera and at the same time minimalist image that its aut
1962 - 2015 After a long illness, Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas passed away in Granada at the age of 52. A graduate of the School of Architecture of Seville, and later professor there, the career of Jiménez Torrecillas started out in 1987 with Juan Dom
After a long illness, Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas died in Granada at the age of 52. A graduate of the Sevilla School of Architecture, where he became a professor, Jiménez Torrecillas began his career in 1987 with Juan Domingo Santos, and together the
La localidad granadina de Huéscar cuenta con una muralla cuya Torre del Homenaje fue revalorizada mediante una intervención de Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas, que la convirtió en espacio público. Poco después se descubrió el antiguo pósito de la ciudad,