At his induction into the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in January, Miguel Aguiló gave a discourse titled ‘Caring for Earth, Recreating the World,’ in which he tackled heritage, the landscape, and the planet. Three spheres of civil engineering that expl
Chicago’s cool. So begins ACS’s tenth book on cities, though it’s not that simple. The myth of Chicago is not only due to its place and history. Its hydraulics, buildings, and bridges are important, but not enough to cover the city’s significance. Ne
Vancouver is on territory that is hard to get to. That part of British Columbia is one of North America’s roughest regions. The city lies in the Fraser River delta, protected by Vancouver Island, the Strait of Georgia, and the abrupt Pacific coast. F
Hamburg is harbor and city. A harbor 130 kilometers from the sea along the Elbe, which through a network of canals reaches all of inland Europe, linking it to overseas trade. And a city Free and Hanseatic, as its official name states, asserting the t
Footbridges are not just for crossing. They long ago ceased to be mere structures for overcoming obstacles. Footbridges now are experiences, more than constructions. They give places a fresh narrative, creating new spaces, reinterpreting structural t
The world keeps growings taller. Standing out has always been the purpose of skyscrapers, and the dimension for this is height. Program, structure, layout, and circulations are strongly conditioned by the vertical dimension. The importance of height
Among structural systems inspired in nature, tree structures – or branching structures – are perhaps the ones which most directly present a formal and functional analogy. But the structural behavior of trees and the requirements they have to meet dif
Gone at the age of 89, the latest Pritzker laureate designed and built structures which were as light as they were beautiful, inspired in natural forms.
The idea of defying the law of gravity has moved architects and engineers, who use subtle strategies of structural illusionism to make buildings appear to ‘float’.
El éxito obtenido con la exposición y el libro dedicados a Félix Candela con motivo de su centenario, ‘La conquista de la esbeltez’, ha permitido a la Fundación Juanelo Turriano la realización de un proyecto largamente querido: recordar, estudiar y d
«El hombre tiene la obligación de ser ingeniero». La afirmación de Ortega y Gasset adquiere todo su sentido en el ingeniero de caminos José Antonio Fernández Ordóñez (Madrid, 1933- 2000). La pasión y personalidad de Ordóñez abarcan muchas disciplinas
La figura del ingeniero Ove Arup es igualmente respetada por arquitectos e ingenieros, habiendo contribuido como nadie a fomentar un espíritu de confianza, colaboración y respeto entre ambas profesiones. El libro de Peter Jones es la primera biograf
Después del éxito de su anterior libro, Informal, Cecil Balmond, ingeniero director de Ove Arup & Partners y colaborador habitual de Rem Koolhaas y Toyo Ito, publica Element, con el que huye aún más del estereotipo ingenieril de descripción y análisi
Las estructuras textiles son uno de los sistemas estructurales más antiguos y están consideradas como el quinto material constructivo después de la madera, la piedra, el vidrio y el metal. Sin embargo, la aparición de nuevos materiales y el desarroll