This enclave in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, has two main defining features. One is its combination of low density and extensive occupation of land, which gives rise to an expansive fabric built close to the ground. The other is the presence of hedges th
Located across from rice fields and mountains, this building is a mid-scale community center for people living in the area. The center harbors a varied program with a library, an assembly hall, a room for mothers and children, classrooms, workshops a
The universal Expo Aichi 2005, which was celebrated during the summer months in the Japanese city of the same name (in Nagoya, between Tokyo and Osaka), gave each one of the countries participating in the exhibition a container, which they could use
Puede parecer extraña la palabra ‘colaboración’ aplicada al trabajo conjunto entre arquitectos japoneses y europeos. Suena a algo así como un festival o un evento exótico en el que los participantes establecen lazos de amistad internacional. También
La Expo Aichi 2005 ha sido la quinta Exposición Universal celebrada en Japón y la segunda dedicada a un tema de carácter general en vez de a uno específico. Al tratarse de la primera Exposición Universal de este siglo, Aichi ha centrado la atención d