To improve the public space inside the block, the river is reconsidered as an ecological axis recovering its natural hydromorphology, an autochthonous forest is introduced, and openings are arranged to connect the riverbank with the city... [+]
A walk up the hill led to the conclusion that the best way to settle there was to stretch a carpet that could be wrinkled, gathered and undulated to increase comfort. A carpet protected from the sun by a shade that could be pulled up or down dependin
La nueva pieza reúne dos edificios en uno: por un lado el conservatorio que, muy determinado por la normativa y el programa, se aloja en un contenedor de hormigón y, por otro, el Museo de la Diputación que, con un programa más abierto, se sitúa alred
As so many other locations in the Basque country, Urretxu, Guipúzcoa, is constituted by a high-density sequence of industrial sheds and housing blocks which are gathered along the valley, leaving intact the green tops of the encircling mountains. Cli