A Coruña, Spain
The main campus of Vigo University is 10 km from the urban center, and with the purpose of expanding its activity, the institution decided to refurbish three buildings in the city. A wood volume rests on the stone supports, which are the only existin
Located some 36 kilometers from the capital of the province, and 22 kilometers from Santiago de Compostela, the municipality of A Estrada is surrounded by the green landscape of the Ulla, Vea, and Tabeirós river valleys. With a population of almost 2
The intervention is carried out over some ruins located in a degraded area of Santiago de Compostela, which is restored through a network of orchards and resting spots.
Monterroso is a small town in the interior of the province of Lugo, famous for the annual fair that has been celebrated annually for over 500 years on All Saints’ Day. The municipality belongs to A Ulloa county and comprises 29 civil parrishes and 10
The Rubido Romero Foundation is harbored in an old construction of rural Galicia that was given a surgical job; walls were reinforced, beams were placed, and the interior space was painted white.
The idea of this preschool was to evoke a forest. In a newly developed part of Orense’s university campus, the building for use and accessibility reasons is one-story, and it is built with the structural economy of vernacular architecture. Four scree