IE School of Architecture and Design presents Re_Solution: A Conversation with City Leaders Who Made a Change, a just launched new series where former mayors from around the world will discuss how to make our cities better places.
With players from the public and the private sectors, as well as the academic world, the goal is to lead and promote the conversation about the complex field of city-making.
IE School understands cities holistically, as sites of transformation in the built, natural and digital world. As an educational institution it wants to generate knowledge and research, and welcomes discussions that can lead to transformation towards building sustainable cities for the future.
The first city leader participating in this series is Anna König Jerlmyr, former City Mayor of Stockholm (2018-2022). During her tenure, König Jerlmyr tackled various challenges and spearheaded several transformative initiatives to promote innovation and sustainability in urban spaces. She will share her experiences and insights into these efforts with our audience.
The session will be followed by a panel discussion with architect Izaskun Chinchilla, RIBA Honorary International Fellow, and moderated by Isabela de Alcázar BSc, MSc, PhD, Global Head of Sustainability at IE University. A networking cocktail will close the event.
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