
Fumihiko Maki (1928-2024)


Fumihiko Maki (1928-2024)


The Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki has died in his Tokyo home at the age of 95.

Born in 1928 in Tokyo, Maki graduated from architecture school there and worked with Kenzo Tange. He pursued further studies in the United States, where he collaborated with SOM in New York and Sert in Cambridge. Awarded with the Pritzker in 1993, he was one of the founders of Japanese metabolism in the 1960s. His works include Expo ’70 in Osaka and the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. 

In line with Fumihiko Maki's winning the Pritzker Prize and the UIA Gold Medal in 1993, Luis Fernández-Galiano wrote the article Moderado moderno. 

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