It could happen that Fruto Vivas will without much thought be tagged as Hugo Chávez’s architect, but over and above the fact that he supported and worked for the dictator, from the ambitious Great Mission Housing Venezuela (GMVV) to Chávez’s mausoleum, he was respected by sectors of the opposition and the news of his passing on 23 August was received with sadness all over the nation. Vivas started out in the prosperous Caracas of Pérez Jiménez, where he built Club Táchira with Torroja and worked with Niemeyer in a museum project that was never materialized. Promising steps in a trajectory that would spread throughout the country over several decades, and ensure him a success that would culminate in 2000, when for the World Expo in Hannover he designed the Venezuelan Pavilion, a mix of technology and the tropical.[+]