EPFL’s School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) invites applications for a faculty position in Architectural Design and Heritage. The position is open at the level of Assistant (tenure-track) or Associate Professor (tenured).
The Institute of Architecture and the City seeks a Professor of Architectural Design and Heritage to address the systemic challenges posed by the continuing climate crisis, rapid urbanization, and threats to eco-systems. Architecture must acquire an insightful understanding of its mission as transformed and transforming discipline with the ability and responsibility to bring up coherent, progressive and inclusive visions and solutions for our present, operating as socio-ecological catalyst within the ecological transition that is vital for life on earth.
We seek an architect of international status with a recognized intellectual footprint in heritage conservation, in light of sustainability concerns related to interventions on existing buildings, urban densification, adaptation of heritage buildings to contemporary standards in respect of historical typologies, coherent architectural expression and original construction technologies.
The successful candidate will have an outstanding record of professional experience in architectural design and heritage across scales, a proven capacity and interest for transdisciplinary approaches, and a strong commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
We encourage applications from individuals with skills in critical analysis and professional evaluation of existing heritage as well as deep knowledge of historical construction methods, from the beginning of industrialization to modern times. Specifically, in addition to practical experience in architectural design and theoretical training in history of architecture, the applicant should have recognized contributions to conservative restoration, recovery and/or functional reconversion.
The Institute of Architecture and the City at ENAC, EPFL is an internationally leading institution in architecture, urban and territorial design, and home of one of the three university-level architecture schools in Switzerland. With its main campus located in Lausanne and its developing antennae in neighbouring cantons in Switzerland, EPFL is a growing and well-funded institution fostering excellence and diversity. It is well equipped with experimental and computational infrastructure and offers a fertile environment for research collaborations between different disciplines. The EPFL environment is multilingual and multicultural, with English serving as a common interface. EPFL offers internationally competitive start-up resources, salaries and benefits.
The following documents are requested in PDF format: cover letter including a statement of motivation, curriculum vitae, publication list, statements of teaching interests and research vision (up to five pages each), and the names and addresses (including e-mail) of at least three (for the rank of Assistant Professor) or five (for the rank of Associate Professor) references who have already agreed to supply a letter upon request. Applications should be uploaded to the EPFL recruitment web site:
Formal evaluation of the applications will begin on:
January 15th, 2023.
Further enquiries should be made to:
Prof. Jeffrey Huang
Chair of the Search Committee
e-mail: SearchDesignHeritage@epfl.ch
For additional information on EPFL, please consult the websites: www.epfl.ch, enac.epfl.ch, ia.epfl.ch, sar.epfl.ch
EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and a family-friendly university that is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. It strongly encourages women to apply.