Arquitectura Viva 261: FRPO Rodríguez & Oriol

Thermal Power Plant in Palencia
A Technical Aesthetic. Fernando Rodríguez and Pablo Oriol share an infrastructural way of tackling projects, not so much in relation to mechanistic logic as in terms of an organizational capacity to take on complex contexts and programs. With a different set of rules for every commission, the duo has managed to amass works characterized by an exceptional degree of proactive freedom but united by the full language that is the stuff of the large scale, as Arquitectura Viva shows in this issue.
The magazine’s dossier now looks at three vinicultural projects that bear the seal of Pritzker laureates: Herzog & de Meuron’s Bélair-Monange and Foster+Partners’ Le Dôme wineries in Saint-Émilion, Bordeaux, and RCR’s Bodega Perelada in the Girona village of that name.
Por its part, the Art and Culture section celebrates animation in the heat of two recent premieres: Fernando Lara goes over the filmography of Hayao Miyazaki, the Japanese master who crowns his career with The Boy and the Heron, while Jorge Gorostiza analyzes the meticulous depiction of New York City that Pablo Berger achieves in his heartwarming Robot Dreams. This is all complemented with an article in which Andrés Trapiello reviews La belleza común and nostalgically evokes the good taste of yore that the book oozes.