SMAK Museum in Ghent - XDGA, ALTSTADT

SMAK Museum in Ghent - XDGA, ALTSTADT


The cores and facades of the extension are joined to form the main structure. The slabs and standardized roofs favor natural lighting through a continuous window that offers the option of controlling how much light is used in each room...

XDGA / Xaveer De Geyter; D. Ampe, T. Bonnevalle, N. Duerinck, N. Duric, Y. Houari, M. P. Vandeputte

ALTSTADT (patrimonio heritage consultant); Arcadis (ingeniería mecánica y seguridad frente a incendios mechanical engineer and fire safety); Ney & Partners (estructura structure); Daidalos-Peutz (ingeniería acústica acoustical engineer)