'Living with Water', Leeuwarden
First Prize

'Living with Water', Leeuwarden

First Prize

The 450 residential units in the Dutch city are distributed in towers, blocks and groups that reinterpret the urban blocks of row-housing. Each one of the units has a direct relationship with the canal...[+]

Leeuwarden. Identidad (marginalidad a relevancia)
Identity (From Marginality to Relevance)

CUAC Arquitectura – Javier Castellano Pulido, Tomás García Píriz (Pulido+Píriz); Juan Antonio Serrano García, Paloma Baquero Masats, Luis Miguel Ruiz Avilés

Cristóbal Adrián García Almeida, José Enrique Iniesta Molina, Alejandro Pedro López Fernández, Alejandro Carlos Galindo Durán, María de Lara Ruiz, Juan Bachs Rubio, Elena María Lucena Guerrero