Louvre Conservation Center, Liévin (France)
Alberto Campo Baeza  Raphaël Gabrion 

Louvre Conservation Center, Liévin (France)

Alberto Campo Baeza  Raphaël Gabrion 

Two volumes wrapped under the same skin of black concrete organize the project. On top of the first one of the them, a large horizontal plinth housing workshops and services, emerges a sort of cubic volume that protects the museum collections...[+]

Musée du Louvre and Région Nord-Pas de Calais

Alberto Campo Baeza; Raphaël Gabrion

Elena Jiménez, Tommaso Campiotti, Imanol Iparraguirre, María Pérez de Camino, Ignacio Aguirre, Alejandro Cervilla

Emma Blanc (paisajismo landscape); SAS Mizrahi (consultor económico economy); RFR Elements (consultora medioambiental environmental engineering); Gevolys (seguridad security consultant)