Nautical Base, L’Île-Saint-Denis, Paris
Public Competition, Laureate

Nautical Base, L’Île-Saint-Denis, Paris

Public Competition, Laureate

Located on l’Île-Saint-Denis, the project pays tribute to the island’s heritage by proposing a nautical base, with the River Seine as playground. The base’s ground level is made of in situ concrete and the rest of volume is clad with timber... 

Obra Work
Nautical Base, L’Île-Saint-Denis, Paris (France)

Cliente Client
Groupe Pichet, Legendre

Arquitectos Architects

Colaboradores Collaborators
TEM PARTNERS  (estructura y MEP structure & MEP); ARCADIS (climatización climate control); ECOTECH  (presupuesto cost); SCOPING (acústica acoustic); ALTO Step (infraestructura infrastructure)