Facing the arcaded gallery at Nuevos Ministerios on Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid, the firms totem arquitectos and BETA.Ø have together come up with an efficient alternative to the conventional office building. The faceted volume has been expressl
The measurement of architecture’s energetic and enviromental impact depends on complex analyses having to do with thermodynamics, but also with economics.
What is the significance of energy for architecture? What might an architectural agenda for energy be? Unfortunately, these are difficult questions for architects because, in architectural discourse, energy is a vague term with imprecise denotations.
Though energy is indeed one of the fetish words of architecture nowadays, it is still far from having become a natural participant in the aesthetic debate of the discipline.
The debates of the last decade on energy have brought the controversies sparked by the oil crises of 1973-74 and 1979 up to date, and throw new light on architecture and the city.
En un mundo marcado por la competencia global, la apuesta por la identidad determina los nuevos rascacielos en su fructífero devenir desde lo tectónico a lo termodinámico.
Solar time is not the time of the solar house: it is the time of the slow city. Indeed, solar houses as those gathered in Madrid for the first Solar Decathlon in Europe are useful platforms for innovation, and fertile grounds for technological compet