(San Sebastián, 1957)
In liquid times like these, it is problematic to call architecture ‘science.’ Problematic and, as Ramón Araujo says, polemic, because he opines that architecture is more reason than invention, and because for him, the process behind projects is scien
Architecture plays an important role in the response to catastrophes of all kinds, and this role is raising a great amount of interest in society. Nevertheless, it must be made clear from the start that in emergency architecture, many conventional fe
The use of stone as a building material is being reconsidered completely. Many are the buildings that resort to it, for purposes other than cladding. Moreover, ongoing studies point to a future where stone plays a larger role. The Modern Movement pra
The fundamental innovation in the initial spurt of modern architecture were the building systems that replaced the 19th-century ones, which were based on traditional materials and mural construction. Materials and techniques now involved a production
Crises do not go with skyscrapers, yet the last years have seen them consolidating their presence to the limits of science fiction. A few decades ago they were an exception characteristic of American financial centers, rising only sporadically in Eur
Recent times have been closely bound to cement production and cheap energy sources, but only industrialization will enable us to meet the environmental challenges of today.
An important problem in low-cost housing projects developed in rural environments is how these blend with their surroundings, and in this sense the construction system plays a crucial role. In the case of modestly sized dwellings, choosing load-beari
Ramón Araujo basa este libro en su experiencia de que no hay mejor manera de aprender construcción que estudiar directamente los mejores edificios construidos: cómo se erigieron, qué problemas afrontaron, qué innovaciones introdujeron, qué aportaron
A pesar de que la técnica ha hecho posible una nueva generación de rascacielos más altos, el precio medioambiental y económico que se paga por ello sigue siendo muy alto.
Los rascacielos son edificios muy determinados por su sistema estructural, debido al gran esfuerzo que implica no tanto su tamaño como su habitual esbeltez. No ocurre lo mismo con su envolvente, y las técnicas de cerramiento empleadas no difieren muc