The story of the Anahuacalli Museum begins in the early 1940s, when the painter Diego Rivera thought of erecting a depot for his collection of pre-Hispanic pieces that would be an artwork in and of itself, habitable and capable of generating a contin
The New Building for the School of Plastic Arts of the Autonomous University Benito Juárez, located in the city of Oaxaca, takes up a plot of some 13,000 square meters, close to the main access to the campus, between the space occupied by an old pelo
La remodeling and expansion of the Anahuacalli Museum in Mexico City by Taller | Mauricio Rocha has won the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP) for 2023, as announced today by MCHAP Director Dirk Denison and Jury Chair Sandra Barclay. Awarded by t
Los libros de la editorial Arquine han contribuido enormemente a la difusión del rico legado de la arquitectura moderna en México, tanto si se trata de las obras de un maestro conocido u olvidado, como si hablamos de un talento establecido o emergent