The proposal wishes to blend with the chapel and the Clotet building to create a unitary ensemble, generating with its facade a representative space that shows the activity taking place in the museum and connects it with the plaza and the Meier build
The volumes designed for the museum extension, built with timber structures and facades of local stone, are respectfully integrated into the square, creating new exhibition galleries, and an inner courtyard corridor around the historic apse...
Through a strategy of constellations and consolidations, the project seeks to integrate the museum in the city with a new set of galleries specific to the collection, complementing the spaces of the existing MACBA building...
The volume engages in dialogue with the existing buildings via the materials, and seeks contextual continuity with a sufficient formal autonomy so that it can be read as an independent piece that completes the plan for the Plaça dels Àngels...
The new volume is placed opposite the current venue, the Meier building, with the purpose of including the convent and chapel on Plaça dels Angels, which will become the MACBA’s new center of gravity and a symbolic axis connecting the whole public s
With an old loom she purchased from one of the many textile mills that were dying out in the Barcelona of the 1970s, the artist Teresa Lanceta learned to weave and immersed herself in a world of warps and woofs that since then has for her been a sort
Forensic Architecture is a research group based in Goldsmiths, University of London. It is also the name that the group has given to a new field of exploration. Using techniques belonging to architecture, Forensic Architecture analyzes images, sounds
Although Rita McBride's formative years (1960), first at Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, New York) and later at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), respond to a minimalist orthodoxy in her use of geometric systems and standardized elem
Con una breve historia que comienza a principios del siglo XIX, culminando a finales del XX con el Guggenheim de Bilbao, el museo ha sido el edificio más prolífico de los últimos años, y el más representativo de la sociedad mediática y la cultura de
La exposición ‘Archivo universal: la condición del documento y la utopía fotográfica moderna’, presentada en el Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, fue reseñada recientemente por el diario Le Monde. Que un periódico parisino preste atención a la a
En Barcelona han coincidido dos muestras que pivotan alrededor de un mismo argumento, la utopía. Por un lado, en la Fundación Joan Miró se ha presentado ‘La belleza del fracaso, el fracaso de la belleza’, con Harald Szeemann como comisario; y por otr