the life of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) has been fodder for countless publications and famous films, from Abel Gance’s work of 1927 (with a runningtime of five hours and a half) to Ridley Scott’s of 2023 (four hours), yet little has been written a
Sculptures by the Valencian artist Manolo Valdés are on display in Venice through 15 June 2024. St. Mark’s Square is graced by twelve Reina Mariana pieces and a monumental Infanta Margherita, iconic bronze reinterpretations of famous portraits of Mar
The myth of the artist Richard Serra begins in his narrative the day that, at the age of four, he was present at the launching of a vessel at the shipyard where his father was employed. With succinct, abrupt eloquence the sculptor would time and agai
Eight years after a mix of financial and management problems forced it to close down, the artistic sanctuary of Eduardo Chillida in Hernani reopens.
Both located in New York, Vessel and The Shed represent two different ways of regarding the relationship between architecture and sculpture.
The enlargement of the Museo dellOpera del Duomo and of the Ospedale degli Innocenti are fine models of heritage integration.
In his controversial texts Oteiza ventures to offer keys to the history of art and to his own oeuvre. In his 1991 ‘Book of Plagiarism’ Oteiza responded to accusations of plagiary through a series of verbal and visual rebuffs in which he compared his
Dando cuenta de la clave disciplinar de lo común, Rafael Moneo se pregunta si existe un lenguaje compartido por los arquitectos en el contexto actual de globalización.
Compilada en treinta años por el mecenas Giuliano Gori, la colección de arte ambiental injertada en la arquitectura y el paisaje de la añeja Fattoria di Celle es una de las más singulares y a la vez más secretas de toda Europa.
La coincidencia de los 150 años de su nacimiento con la reciente publicación de cuatro biografías, es la ocasión para recordar la vida y la obra de Rudolf Steiner, teósofo y singular maestro del expresionismo arquitectónico.
Las palabras ‘tierra, aire y fuego’ subtitulan este monumental volumen que recoge la obra paisajística, arquitectónica y escultórica de Hannsjörg Voght a través de extraordinarias fotografías de Ingrid Amslinger. Como hace constar Kosme de Barañano e
Con una introducción a cargo del que fue anfitrión en su reciente exposición del IVAM, Kosme de Barañano, esta monografía de factura contenida editada originalmente por Phaidon incorpora textos de, entre otros, Bruce Chatwin y Deyan Sudjic. La fe des