The proposal ‘47 Rooms’ reuses the wood structure of Makasiini terminal to build a shed that preserves the original geometry and the views; the halls have independent climate conditioning, using an innovative system called ‘thermal onion’...
The structure of huge steel beams supported by stanchions of very small sections makes it possible for the roof to seem afloat over a space that opens on to the landsape and is delimited by a low masonry wall.
The project called for the construction of 22 social housing units to be rented by youngsters, in the center of El Rastro – an open air flea market held in Madrid’s La Latina quarter on Sundays, and that began in 1740. The area was filled with ‘corra
Inspirado en la geometría de la mezquita de Córdoba, un bosque polícromo de parasoles de alturas y diámetros diversos cubre un espacio multifuncional, abierto y mediterráneo.
This operation starts with a 1,300 square meter sloping site located in the Cala Vadella valley, a picturesque natural harbor in the island of Ibiza. From the ground on this hillside, which has a 20% average slope and a north-west aspect, one can see