The higher studies of architecture, landscape design, and planning are now concentrated in a new urban campus: L’Institut Méditerranéen de la Ville et des Territoires. Although the concrete structure of light color tones has the effect of unifying th
The three volumes are linked by a large Y-shaped central courtyard that gives an overall view of the whole ensemble, and each one will house a different education program, shaping a campus that fosters new forms of work and interaction among users. W
The avant-gardes got us used to thinking of history as made of revolutions: catastrophes forming tabulae rasae for new things. This culmination of the recently deceased Jacques Lucan’s trajectory is based on quite a different idea: more than radical
The French architect, professor, and historian Jacques Lucan died on 8 October, leaving a body of work characterized by the link he maintaned between professional practice and academic reflection. He wanted to do history and theory ‘from the drawing
Theory gets bad press. The English-speaking academe has led architectural thought so far from professional practice that ‘theory’ only arouses suspicion. Nevertheless, architecture is also built with ideas, and exploring how these develop in time thr
Le Corbusier es hoy una industria editorial y, abrumados por la multiplicación de títulos, corremos el riesgo de amalgamar los libros fundamentales con los prescindibles. A la primera rúbrica pertenece la obra aquí reseñada, una exploración luminosa
Ésta es la propuesta de la editorial Springer como recapitulación post mortem de un siglo historiográficamente inagotable. Dirigida por Kenneth Frampton, World Architecture consta de diez volúmenes—dedicado cada uno a un área geográfica— que registra
This text is an excerpt from the conversation between the French Jacques Lucan and the Swiss Martin Steinmann regarding ‘A Matter of Art’, an exhibition on current Swiss architecture held at the Centre Culturel Suisse of Paris in the spring of 2001.
«Abrir los ojos a la realidad contemporánea exige un doble empeño. Ante todo, se trata de no extraviar entre los pliegues de la historia las circunstancias que han llevado a la formación de realidades hoy emblemáticas de la ‘condición moderna’. En es
Jacques Lucan Ville et architecture
Jacques Lucan
Lausanne 2016
Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes - 260 Pages
Jacques Lucan Architecture et theéories, XIX-XX siécles
Kenneth Frampton
Viena 2002
Springer - 294 Pages