1902 (Moscow, URSS) - 1959 (Moscow, Russia)
‘Cortadle las alas’. Así se titulaba un artículo aparecido en 1931 en la revista juvenil Smena (‘nueva generación’), donde se afirmaba que los seguidores de la denominada leonídovshchina (‘leonidovismo’), simplemente «estaban en las nubes»; y que los
The skyscraper and the airplane are born with the movies and jazz at the dawn of the 20th century, but their initial romance soon turns sour. For Moses King, the cosmopolis of the future is formed by clustered skyscrapers that rise towards a sky fill
El día 9 de febrero de 2002, en el pequeño cementerio de Serednikovo, un reducido grupo de arquitectos coloca unas flores junto al bloque de granito negro que señala la tumba de Iván Leonidov. El frío del invierno ruso y el color blanco de los abedul
Celebrations do not remember history; they fabricate it. Beneath the gleam of the New York exhibitions on Mies van der Rohe, the year 2001 tiptoed through the Louis Kahn centenary and mutely marked those of figures like José Luis Sert or Jean Prouvé,
The architectural development of the past fifteen years has made it clear that in its essence modernism is not a visual stylistic canon at all, but a dialectic philosophical position in relation to the reality of culture. The modernist position is an
Born in 1902 in Babino (Tver region) and died in 1959 in Moscow, Ivan Ilich Leonidov was one of the youngest members of Russian Constructivism. He was educated in his hometown and in St. Petersburg, and from the beginning he stood out for his ability