Renzo Piano donRenzo Piano donó a Génova, su ciudad natal, el diseño para reconstruir el viaducto Polcevera, también conocido como el puente Morandi, tras el colapso que sufrió el 14 de agosto de 2018, causando 43 muertos. El nuevo puente se inaugura
On 17 May 2013 a ship, the Jolly Nero, leaving the harbor knocked down the control tower, killing nine people. Rising on a new spot, the replacement – the Torre Piloti – has two parts. One volume contains the rooms for staff, offices, parking spaces,
El viaje como sinónimo de conocimiento y el mar como plataforma de descubrimientos y aventuras se reúnen en este nuevo museo de Génova. Cuna de navegantes ilustres y ciudad natal de León Battista Alberti, la ciudad que llevó el título de Capital Euro
La nueva ordenación, cuyo principal objetivo es crear una ‘plaza tridimensional sobre el Mediterráneo’, incluye una terminal marítima y dotaciones culturales, comerciales y de ocio, de forma que el enclave tenga actividad todo el día. La cubierta, cu
Genoa is also preparing to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the voyage of Christopher Columbus, as it is the birthplace of the famous navigator. And it will be precisely the theme of the sea and navigation that will be the guiding thread of the C
The image that the modern traveler has of Genoa, and of the Ligurian region in general, is that it is all full of tunnels and viaducts. The highway entering from France is a continuous transition from the dense darkness of the former to the blinding
My first experiences as an architect were threaded together by a search for lightness. It’s very simple. When you are young, you try to do the opposite of what your father’s been doing. My father was making buildings with sand, concrete, and bricks.
Like the children of Oedipus, the San Giorgio Bridge is the fruit of tragedy. That of 14 August 2018, when the Morandi Bridge collapsed, killing 43 and leaving hundreds homeless. The destruction dramatically cut two neighborhoods apart and eliminated
The tragedy of 14 August 2018, when 43 people were killed by the collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa, was a heavy blow to the city, to Italy, and to the prestige of Italian engineering. So the recent inauguration of the rebuilt infrastructure – t
Piano’s Bridge in Genoa
On 3 August, the city of Genoa inaugurated its new bridge, designed by Renzo Piano to reconstruct the Polcevera Viaduct, also known as the Morandi Bridge, which collapsed on 14 August 2018, killing 43.
The collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa killed 43 people and exposed deficiencies in both its design and its maintenance. It was a big blow to Italian politics and engineering, and there has been a clear endeavor to make amends through a fast-tra
Kenneth Frampton: Recently, I gave a talk at Yale in which I expressed a certain skepticism about parametric design when it’s used to generate a form, as opposed to digital processing when it’s employed to evolve an overall project. I wonder if you w
Few buildings excite contemporary sensibilities as deeply as does the J M Tjibaou Cultural Centre outside Nouméa, New Caledonia by the Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW). It is clearly a building of our times, the product of up to the minute comput
Close to turning seventy, Renzo Piano sails the world’s seas with the courage of a lone sailor. After building on four continents, the Genoese keeps on facing each journey as one of discovery, in which the skillful use of rigging, the mastery in read