1924 (Barcelona, Spain)
Arquitectura Viva and its director, Luis Fernández-Galiano, understand and regret the discomfort caused by the series Conversations. Filmed between 2013 and 2018, this documentary series of Fundación Arquia, now being streamed on Netflix, was left un
1924-2020 At the patriarchal age of 96, a leader of the postwar generation of Catalan architects died in the Barcelona where he was born into a bourgeois family that originally came from Comillas and Jerez. Federico Correa was educated under professo
Federico Correa had close links to the panorama of his native Barcelona and was teacher to several generations of architects.
Always with his partner Alfonso Milà., this refined designer enriched Barcelona with buildings and shops that combined modernity, history, and the vernacular.
Interviews with Antonio Lamela, Federico Correa, and Antonio Vázquez de Castro make up the third set of the Arquia/maestros audiovisual series.
Federico Correa (Barcelona, 1924), Antonio Lamela (Madrid, 1926), and Antonio Vázquez de Castro (Madrid, 1929) are the third trio of the arquia/maestros series of DVDs on important figures of Spanish architecture. For the two previous sets of audiovi