Since 2014, the Arquia/maestros collection of DVDs has been building audiovisual testimony of the life and work of great figures of Spanish architecture through interviews conducted by the director of the project, Luis Fernández-Galiano, which recount their professional careers in detail while placing them in the context of the period in question. The first series of DVDs was devoted to three very different but unquestionable masters: Oriol Bohigas (1925), Rafael Moneo (1937), and Juan Navarro Baldeweg (1939). The second set paid tribute to three leading architects of markedly dissimilar sensibilities: Antonio Fernández Alba (1927), Manuel Gallego (1936), and Ricard Bofill (1939). Now, criteria of chronology and excellence again combine with that of reflecting Spanish diversity, and the trajectories scanned are those of Antonio Lamela (1926-2017) – who passed away shortly after the interview with him was published –, Federico Correa (1924), and Antonio Vázquez de Castro (1929).
The Madrid-born Antonio Lamela – the first Spanish architect to run a practice in the manner of large corporations – fused his visionary outlook with constructional rigor and profit-orientedness. Federico Correa professed a cosmopolitanism that cannot be understood without reference to his native city, Barcelona. And Antonio Vázquez de Castro, born in Madrid and a wunderkind of his generation, expressed the social concerns of the times in works of refined modernity.
As with the two previous sets, we announce the third trio of Arquia/maestros DVDs with the publication of the three texts written by Luis Fernández-Galiano for the collection, each structured with an introductory paragraph and five more which present the particular architect’s trajectory. The result is an impressionst profile of the architect portrayed.