The objective of the project is to turn the old Salesian convent into offices for the Union of Municipalities of the Comarca of Pamplona, in the heart of the Navarrese capital. Interventions on the abandoned heritage building is minimized. Demolition
The station, covered by a textile canopy, constitutes two referential urban spaces: the platforms and the inner streets. The perimeter paths connect the four sides of the complex and generate different atmospheres for public use…
Access is from street level, crossing a permeable membrane that encloses an atrium which agglutinates the reception area and circulation elements. An exhibition hall up in the attic completes the proposal.
The project has a double objective: to connect the outskirts with the center and to become the gate of entrance to the city; like a bridge, the new building features different accesses and looks out to the natural context like an urban balcony...
The station is proposed as an urban bridge, linking two areas of the city that were poorly connected. The departure lounge is located over the tracks and the access is kept in the lower level…
Dos bloques lineales de siete alturas situados a diferente nivel y enfrentados a las vías principales que delimitan la parcela, permiten la existencia de un gran espacio interior ajardinado desde el que se accede a las viviendas. La fachada se resuel
Ante el crecimiento en el volumen de negocio experimentado en los últimos años por esta consultoría especializada en tecnologías de la información y en el desarrollo de sistemas automáticos de mantenimiento y equipos electrónicos de defensa, se decid
The practice headed by the architect Enrique Álvarez-Sala recently completed the renovation of the General Insurance Directorate headquarters, an intervention which has involved consolidating the administrative building’s structure of post-tensioned
Las fronteras difusas han sido motivo de grandes conflictos a lo largo de la historia. La reestructuración del sistema educativo en las escuelas del siglo XVIII genera la escisión entre ingenieros y arquitectos, creando un clima de mutua desconfianza