Architect whose radically innovative buildings included the Pompidou Centre and the Lloyd’s of London building. Richard Rogers, who has died aged 88, changed the face of urban Britain more than any other architect of the late 20th century. He was aut
Mi trabajo de editor me ha llevado a establecer vínculos estrechos con muchos de los más grandes arquitectos contemporáneos, pero no ha sido así en el caso de Santiago Calatrava. Pese a ser compatriotas y coetáneos, nuestra relación ha sido episódica
Invalidating the idea that the times we are living are unconducive to criticism, and heralding the discipline’s future, Luis Fernández-Galiano has published Alexandrine Years. The two-volume bilingual book compiles a good part of the weekly pages tha
The collection of texts is illustrated with over 2,500 images, and 2,000 protagonists of the years straddling two centuries parade through them.
Ivorypress provided the venue for a dialogue about the books, which offer in Spanish and English a selection of texts first published in the newspaper ‘El País.’
El conocimiento en estos días de un contrato secreto de la Operación Chamartín, en el que se establecen las condiciones de la venta de 1.200 millones de metros cuadrados públicos titularidad de ADIF, a una entidad privada constituida por el BBVA y el
For nationalisms, history can be either vitamin or vaccine: vitamin when a mythical past is made up to exalt the excellence of a people, vaccine when the flimsy consistency of these tales is placed under examination. Although we thought that national
We cry out for transparency while clamoring for privacy. The blurred lines between public and private, however, make it hard to address these opposed demands. On the one hand, political conflict has invaded the personal lives of elected and appointed
A specter haunts the world: the rebellion of the middle classes. In the latest episode, the cities of Brazil and Turkey have been the scene of an uprising against political and economic elites by young people summoned through social networks and prov
The autumn of the West could be dusk or dawn. The depth of the crisis has bred an atmosphere of melancholic resignation, but the resulting austerity bears a promise of emotional rebirth. With everyone now an expert in the ‘dismal science,’ economic i
Unprecedentedly, El País printed on its first and last page two images of a Palestinian woman burnt alive by her own family, and now wearing a mysterious mask, which expresses the horror through the paradoxical vehicle of extreme impassivity. The hid
Almost exactly a year after September 11, El País and El Mundo reflected on cover the scandal of the Cibeles catwalk: the designer David Delfín had presented models with hanging ropes, penitent crosses and executioner hoods; well, the reprehensible p