Jacques Herzog For a young architect at the beginning of his career it is a challenging moment to see the widely admired work of established colleagues, often with a mixture of disdain and admiration. For my generation this moment was in the 1980s, a
1927-2020 Having contracted the coronavirus, the 92-year-old Vittorio Gregotti succumbed to it on 15 March. He was one of Italy’s most recognized architects and a theorist of importance much followed and admired in Spain during the years of postmoder
Prima gli anni dell’ottimismo giustificato dalla crescita economica e dai successi ottenuti dalla Spagna dopo il 1992; poi quelli della crisi dopo la distruzione delle torri gemelle a New York (e sullo sfondo il 2008 e il fallimento della banca Lehma
Cuando AV/Arquitectura Viva inician su año veinticinco, Casabella y Domus alcanzan su ochenta aniversario. Desde nuestra relativa juventud es inevitable sentirse intimidados por la espléndida veteranía de las dos grandes revistas italianas. Si nuestr