1933-2014, (Barcelona, Spain)
1933-2014 Albert Viaplana is the author of some of the main landmarks of contemporary Barcelona, though this is probably not so well known to those unrelated to the field. His career – with Helio Piñón between 1974 and 1997, and later on his own – le
Few people outside the profession would recognize Albert Viaplana as the author of some of the major references of contemporary Barcelona, but his trajectory – with Helio Piñón from 1974 to 1997, and later on his own – has left a strong mark on the C
Se calcula que la producción anual de pavimentos en el mundo es del orden de 1 m2 por habitante (en Europa y Norteamérica, 4,5), lo cual quiere decir que el volumen de negocio de su producción y colocación puede estar rondando más o menos los 25 bill
Barcelona is Spain’s most European city. If it perseveres, it might also become the most American. Meanwhile, the city celebrates its two souls by simultaneously inaugurating a very European museum designed by an American and a very American marina b