A Versatile Talent

El Lissitzky

A Versatile Talent

El Lissitzky


Lazar Markovich Lisitskii (Polchinok, 1890, Moscow, 1941) was undoubtedly the most versatile of Russian artists. His training was equally varied. Rejected in 1909 by the St. Petersburg Academy of Art, he emigrated to Germany to study architecture in Darmstadt, where he westernized his name as El Lissitzky. Graduated in 1914, he returned to his country to continue his training at the Riga Polytechnic Institute. From 1917 he actively participated in the cultural activities of the Jewish community, taught architecture and drawing in Vitebsk and came into contact with Malevich and the suprematist group UNOVIS. Fruit of this collaboration are his compositions called 'Proun', ≪an intermediate stage between painting and architecture≫, in his own words. Since then he did not stop traveling to the West, so he became a real bridge between the Soviet avant-garde and those of the rest of Europe. His contacts with De Stijl and the Bauhaus led him to participate in the founding of the magazine Veshch/Gegenstand/ Objet...[+]

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