Training and Travels: from the Sketch to the Scheme

At the end of the term, when it came to the summer, and this was really quite a regular pattern (one year there was one exception when I worked in the office of Hugh Casson, here in London, but I think still travelled even then) I would find a job that could pay the maximum amount of money in the shortest time, and without question that was quite heavy manual work, working in a coal store, loading ice cream in and out of trucks... And most summers, I won quite substantial scholarships. I think that probably without doubt some of the submissions I was given were helpfully created for me, by people like Tom Howarth... I am pretty sure that he created some of those perceptive assignments to help me financially. The interesting thing is that I never saved it for the following year, I spent it, I travelled... So I travelled to Scandinavia, I saw things by Utzøn before he had even won the Sydney competition, I saw the work of traditionalists like Kay Fisker who had done these great buildings with pitched roofs, I saw the early work of Jacobsen, his first project which was a filling station which I could almost draw to this day, I saw his work at Bellavista, his housing, stuff that he had done in the 30s, the later stuff with the monopitch roofs and covered with greenery... I went around hill towns, I saw Palladio, all the interesting work of that time, the Torre Velasca by BBPR in Milan... until the end of the money... And then the following summer I started again travelling in Europe... although I never reached Spain until much later, in the seventies...[+]