Wilkinson Eyre
The firm Wilkinson Eyre has won this year’s Stirling Prize for its Millennium Bridge in Gateshead, making of this a double historic victory for the studio, that in 2001 received the same award for the Magna Centre, the renovation of an old factory as a museum. Founded in 1996 to honor the memory of the British master with the support of The Architect’s Journal, this annual award acknowledges the most important works built in Great Britain. With the purpose of creating a symbol to draw attention towards the city and the recently developed urban areas of Newcastle Quayside and East Gateshead, the bridge that rises over the river Tyne serves as an access to the two new centers of art and culture by way of two parallel decks, one for strollers and the other for bicycles, physically separated but visually linked. More than a crossing path in a city better known for its bridges, this one also has areas for leisure; leaving aside the elegance of its movement, that resembles that of an eyelid, it is also the first rotating bridge in the world and has been noted as one of the most relevant innovations in contemporary engineering.