That a country as glued to its past as the UK should be the cradle of avant-garde architecture might seem a paradox, but high-tech is as British as Perpendicular Gothic and Tudor Style, thanks to a group of professionals who inherited the best of 19th-century engineering tradition and sowed the Isles with exquisite industrial shapes and streamlined forms. One was Sir Michael Hopkins, whose death on 17 June ended a journey he always took accompanied by his wife, Patty, in conjunction with works as important as the Schlumberger Cambridge Research Centre, the Mound Stand at Lord’s Cricket Ground, or the Porcullis House across Big Ben.
The Guardian: Sir Michael Hopkins obituary

Centro de Investigación Schlumberger en Cambridge

Tribuna del Estadio Lord´s

Portcullis House en Londres

Velódromo Olímpico de 2012