Paul Chemetov. Photo: Vincent Pfrunner
Paul Chemetov has died at 95 years of age. A militant communist and a prolific builder of social housing developments, the French architect set up a practice with Borja Huidobro in 1983. The work for which he will most be remembered, the Ministry of the Economy and Finance building in Bercy, an unfinished bridge on the edge of the Seine, was featured in AV 17, the 1989 monograph on the Grands Travaux of Paris. For its part, Arquitectura Viva covered his project for the renovation of the National Museum of Natural History, also in the capital, in issue 38 (1994), and reviewed a book on selected works of in issue 110 (2006).
Le Monde: Paul Chemetov, l’architecte du ministère des finances à Bercy, est mort