
‘Diverse Madrid’


‘Diverse Madrid’


Mapas de 300.000 Km/s

This exhibition analyses diversity as a distinctive feature of the city of Madrid in the contemporary context. In the current situation, in which cities tend to become standardised, to replicate commercial models and cultural structures, complexity transcends as a value in itself, as an identifying trait of urban life.

Diverse Madrid explores this quality using three tools to describe the city: an atlas of large-scale maps, a photographic journey, and a soundscape that overlap one another as fragments of the same reality. The exhibition invites us to immerse ourselves in the Madrid of today, organised into five areas: The Inhabited City, The Built City, The Shared City, The City of Uses and The City in Transformation...

CentroCentro: Diverse Madrid

Foto: Ernesto Peña Sanz

Foto: Ana Belén Mejía

Foto: Eva G. Herrero

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