Shinohara’s studies of traditional housing in Japan and his skillfulness at capturing the concepts that have articulated the domestic space for centuries and expressing them in unquestionably modern works are, together with his unique urban buildings, an important reference point for Japanese architecture. The House in Tanikawa and the Umbrella House both stand out among his more than thirty multi-family residences. From the creation of his own studio in 1986, Shinohara’s interests and projects have centered on the city, with designs such as the Hanayama Hospital and the K2 Building in Osaka. His most relevant piece is the Tokyo Institute of echnology’s Centennial Hall (1987), an exhibition space and place for the exchange of scientific research located in the center of the Japanese capital.The building, formed out of geometric sheets of impeccably finished metal, incorporates references to aerospace engineering. For more than three decades, Shinohara taught students such as Toyo Ito, Akira Sakamoto and Kazuyo Sejima in this same institute, students who would form the new generation of Japanese architects.