Opening day is several months away and the London Design District is progressively taking shape. This is a conglomerate of sixteen emblem-buildings commissioned to a miscellaneous crew of architects among which British firms abound – including 6a Architects, Adam Khan Architects, and Architecture 00 – but where we also find Barozzi Veiga and SelgasCano, two Spanish practices that have been busy consolidating their already notable presence in the international panorama. Located right in the heart of a new real estate development in Greenwich Peninsula, close to the Millennium Dome built by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, the Design District takes up a hectare and provides spaces and workshops for use by the creative and innovative community. What’s most remarkable about the operation is that, for the sake of maximum originality, each participating architectural team set out to work on its contribution with no inkling whatsoever of the rest of the projects, and the result is an implausible, motley juxtaposition of types, materials, and styles.