Constructor of Dreams

Vladímir Tatlin

Constructor of Dreams

Vladímir Tatlin


The 'Letatlin', 1932 and its presentation to the public

One of the oldest members of Constructivism, Vladimir Tatlin (Moscow, 1885-1953) was already an accomplished artist when the October Revolution broke out.

The son of an engineer and a poetess, he grew up in Kharkov, where he began to study to become an artist, but also a merchant seaman (!). To his first vocation correspond the courses of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1902-1904) and the Penza Art School. And to the second hobby are due his exotic travels in Egypt, Syria, Libya and Turkey. Already in 1911 he had organized an artistic studio whose students included Alexandr Vesnin and Liubov Popova. During these years he constantly participated in exhibitions and book editions. In 1913 he traveled around Europe, meeting Picasso in Paris. To this pre-revolutionary period belong also his famous 'counter-reliefs', exhibited for the first time in the exhibition '0.10' in Petrograd...[+]

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