Opinion  Sociology and economics 

100 Days of the Virus

A First Chronicle of Covid-19

Luis Fernández-Galiano 

Covid-19 was identified in Wuhan in December 2019, but it was not until mid-January 2020 that it made our news headliness. What follows is a chronicle by Luis Fernández-Galiano of the first one hundred days of the presence here of this new viral disease, at the beginning just as something distant and later, devastatingly, in all aspects of life. The brief account, which extends up to the end of April, is completed with a graphic summary of this magazine’s vicissitudes in its coverage of the coronavirus and in the adaptation of our work to the demands of confinement, the temporary shutdown of printers and binders, and the distribution difficulties. The pandemic we are suffering has disrupted everything, and humanity faces a challenge of unimaginable dimensions, which will force a change of customs and processes in all spheres, including of course architecture and urban planning. The rest of this monographic issue is devoted to exploring the uncertain future, without forgetting the lessons of the past... [+]

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