
‘Blind Sensorium,’ visual anthropology


Kawah Ijen Volcano, Biau (Jawa Timur), Indonesia, 2016

On view through 20 May in Nave 0 of Matadero Madrid is an exhibition on the German photographer and filmmaker Armin Linke. The show’s centerpiece is the video installation Blind Sensorium, the synthesis of fieldwork on the Anthropocene that Linke and his collaorators Giulia Bruno and Giuseppe Ielasi conducted in the course of a decade, with the support of Fundació Sorigué.

In the making of the film, as many photographs as recordings were used to come up with a visual anthropology that analyzes the new ‘geological era’ of rapid and profound human-caused environmental alterations of Earth. Based on interviews with scientists, politicians, and activists as well as on visits to laboratories, data centers, and enclaves crucial to ecosystems, the results of this research prompt us to reflect on the climate emergency and its economic consequences.

Besides the video installation, the exhibition presents a 26-meter-long timeline to help us situate the scenes depicted in the film, and incorporates activities – including short talks – to further aid visitors in delving into the themes presented. The show also includes a selection of photographs from Linke’s archives, with commentary by scientists and theorists.

Arquitectura Viva 189: Antropoceno

Digital Stock Market Ticker for Coffee, Harar, Ethiopia, 2012

Parque del Retiro, Madrid, España, 2011

DKRZ (German Climate Computing Centre), Archives, Hamburgo, Alemania, 2013

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