Geothermal Center, Reykjavik (Iceland)
Ingimundur Sveinsson- Type Energy plant Industry
- City Reikiavik
- Country Iceland

Just South of the Arctic Circle, Iceland sits on top of one of the most active and unpredictable volcano belts in the world. The volcanic activity is directly related to the presence of hot springs in the island’s high temperature areas. The exploitation of geothermal energy began in the year 1928, with the drilling of the first borehole for hot water. By 1986, as much as 99.5% of the population enjoyed district heating...[+]
Cliente Client
Servicio Municipal de Calefacción de Reikiavik Reykjavik Municipal Heating Service
Arquitecto Architect
Ingimundur Sveinsson
Consultores Consultants
Fjarhitun (estructuras e instalaciones structural and services engineer); Rafteikning (electricidad electrical engineer); Hljódh (acústica acoustics); Gartner (revestimiento cladding)