(Urumchi, 1963)
In Canton, southern China, Wencun has become a typological experiment inspired in traditions and aiming to provide a sustainable model for rural growth anywhere.
The new campus of Xiangshan accommodates several faculties of the Academy of Fine Arts, such as the School of Architecture or that of Design. When it was time to determine its location, instead of choosing the district preferred by the government, th
This book delves into the design process of the Chinese architect Wang Shu, 2012 Pritzker laureate, by analyzing the evolution of six of his most significant works. These have heretofore received little attention in Europe, so the publication rectife
Wang Shu The artisanal nature of his buildings and a search for balance between tradition and modernity in the context of contemporary China’s fast-paced growth were the reasons laid down by the jury of the Hyatt Foundation (whose members inclu
Ganar este galardón era algo que no me esperaba. Durante muchos años, he estado persiguiendo mi sueño solo. Antes de este premio, apenas había publicado mis obras y nunca había construido fuera de China. Siempre me había considerado a mí mismo como u
Desde una posición intelectual que es crítica tanto con la realidad socioeconómica de su país como con la propia disciplina arquitectónica, la obra de Wang Shu conjuga el lenguaje contemporáneo con los invariantes de la tradición china.
Wang Shu Founder with Lu Wenyu of the Hangzhou-based firm Amateur Architecture Studio, established in 1997, the Chinese architect Wang Shu has received the Grand Médaille d’Or from the French Architecture Academy. Wang Shu’s work belongs to a minorit
La condición artesanal de sus edificios y su búsqueda del equilibrio entre la tradición y la modernidad han sido las razones esgrimidas por el jurado de la Fundación Hyatt (del que forman parte, entre otros, Glenn Murcutt y Juhani Pallasmaa) para con